Hello! We are glad you have found your way to our online community.
There could be many reasons for you to have ended up here. Maybe you’ve heard about Jesus and are wondering if what people say about him is true? Perhaps you’ve started wondering what this whole ‘church’ thing is that people talk about? Is it really relevant today?
Maybe you live in or around Milton Keynes and are looking for a face-to-face community close to home? Whatever your reason for clicking on this link, we’re glad you’re here. And we very much want to help you connect in whatever way would be most useful for you.
So what is New Life Church all about?
Well, first off, church isn’t a building, it is the people. And we are made up of many different people – different ages, different nationalities, different political views, different tastes in music. You get the picture. The one thing we have in common is that we are on a journey together, following Jesus, and discovering more and more about the love of God.
Whether you've been a Christian for a while or are just exploring spirituality, you are welcome here.
Our Sunday morning meetings run in-person at The Ridgeway Centre, and are also live-streamed on YouTube. Please feel free to use the comments facility to connect with us, and ask any questions you may have.
We also have a wide range of small groups on offer. Anyone can join in. Have a browse, and see if one of them appeals. Some are designed for making friends and having fun. Some will help you explore the Christian faith. If you can't find one that meets your needs, drop us an email. Maybe we can set up a new one!
Absolutely, because it is made up of people who are living in today’s culture, working in today’s industries, raising children, looking after ageing parents, and so on. We don’t claim to have all the answers, but we do believe that we don’t have to accept what life throws at us. We are world-changers, changing the environment everywhere we go because Jesus goes with us.
Community is being family together, and all are welcome. We love God and take every opportunity to encourage everyone to encounter Him and experience His love for themselves. We love people too, and do everything we can to encourage them to be all God created them to be.
A community that loves God and loves people

Over the past few years we have been on an amazing adventure with God, growing as a community of people who are passionate about worship, caring for one another and sharing his love with those around us.
God’s big adventure
Yes, we are passionate about worshipping God! And we believe that worship isn’t just about great music on a Sunday morning. It is all about how we live our lives, putting God first, and doing all that we do for our heavenly Father.
Caring for one another
This is absolutely core to everything we do. Church is about being part of the family of God. We are all sons and daughters, each of us is unique. Each of us is valuable.
As part of this, we are committed to inclusion, diversity, and equality (IDE). Over the years, we have initiated and led several projects and events (in the UK and overseas) to ensure ‘all people from all nations’ are made to feel welcome, valued and part of our church community. Following on from the George Floyd incident in 2020, we have increased our endeavours to listen and support. Several open conversations have taken place and we have prayed into seeking ways to be more inclusive. In December 2020, two teams were formed, one to address ongoing education and equipping strategy, plus policy matters, and another separate team to act as an independent assurance group. We collect diversity information about our members annually and are in the process of evaluating our ongoing ministries to ensure we maintain our commitment to IDE in practice.
Sharing God’s love with those around us
We believe the church should impact the wider community in lots of ways. We are involved in various projects, from offering free English classes to running a weekly community club for the lonely and vulnerable. Various groups also take the good news of Jesus out on the streets, offering to pray for people in need, and bringing encouragement to folks who wouldn’t normally go near ‘church’.
We warmly invite you to get to know us. Come and make some new friends, and join us on the next stage of our adventure, discovering more and more of God’s love, and his exciting plans for us as a community.