NEW DAY 2025

Norfolk Showground 

Monday 28th July – Saturday 2nd August 2025

We want to encourage all our youth to come to Newday. Why? Because in today’s world our young people are facing huge challenges to their faith and mental wellbeing.

Newday is a week-long camp that gives our youth an opportunity to separate from the reality of life long enough to engage deeply with our loving father. Basking in his love, as we worship and fellowship together, Newday enables and equips them to return to their lives with a new perspective, invigorated to seek God, and to bring him into their daily reality. Every year we see our youth grow in their faith and in their ability to handle the challenges of life.

Why Newday?

Newday is a five-day camping event organised by Newfrontiers, the family of churches that New Life Church is a part of.  Thousands of young people aged 12-18yrs will gather to envision and equip a generation to play their part in the world. 

The week consists of seminars, worship, teaching, sporting tournaments, cafes and opportunities to get involved in social action projects across the city. 

What is Newday?

Volunteer at Newday?

Key date for booking

There is a lot of behind the scenes planning that makes Newday a practical success for our youth. Therefore you MUST do these two things for your youth to come to Newday:

  1. Send the agreed deposit and booking forms to us no later than Sunday13th July (which is two weeks before the event starts).

  2. Book through us using the online booking at the bottom of this page.

Please note: We CANNOT accept last minute bookings and we CANNOT accommodate any youth who are booked direct with Newday. Avoid disappointment – follow steps 1 and 2 above!

As you will be aware costs have increased over the past months in every area of life. Sadly, Newday is no exception. We are always looking to save money and to make grants to those who would find the cost difficult. We have tried to keep the cost as low as possible but it has proven impossible to not increase the price for 2024. You can, however, spread the cost using our payment plan option, and we are offering a discount for families with multiple youth. 

The cost for the week is:  

How much will it cost? 

Table comparing different sign-up price breaks, total costs, and payment plan options for different timeframes. Includes pricing details for sign-up before February 28th (£220), before April 30th (£235), and after May 1st (£245). Payment plan options vary by months.

The price includes the event fee, breakfast, lunch and a hot meal in the evening, tents, marquee, cooking equipment, and more. This also includes coach transport to and from Newday. We expect all youth to travel together on the coaches provided.  

Discount for families with more than one youth

For families of 2 or more young people a discount of £35 per person is available. Please indicate if you wish to request this using the check box on the sign up form.

"What if I need to Cancel?"

We hope you won't want to cancel your booking. However, in the unfortunate event that you need to do so, we will refund your booking fee on request, less a £25 administration charge.

(Please note, however, that this only applies until 30th June 2025)

Unfortunately, cancellations after 30th June 2025 are not entitled to a refund due to the provisions being made for this event.

If you have begun payments and need to cancel after the cutoff date but not completed the full amount you will be expected to continue your payments until all is paid. 

"We can't afford it, can my child still come?" 

We don’t want financial reasons to get in the way of your young person attending newday. Do use the payment plan to spread the cost if you can but we understand that in some cases it would not be possible to pay the full amount. Email me or speak to me directly so the church can support you. Please get in touch now. The sooner we can chat about it, the cheaper we can make it for all of us. 

Please talk to Dorothy Muraya to discuss options.