Privacy Policy
Your personal information is held by New Life Church as the Information Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act, with Sharon Clark appointed as Data Protection Officer.
Our charitable purposes are for the public benefit by advancing Christianity in accordance with the doctrines of the faith; relieving people who are in charitable need, because of sickness or poor health, age, financial hardship or some other reason; promoting and providing education (including vocational training); promoting such other charitable objects as the trustees shall from time to time determine.
Your personal information is collected with your consent for New Life Church charitable purposes, and to contact you about church events and activities.
We may share this information with New Life Church staff and volunteers who need to know if you choose to participate in a church ministry, group, or team.
Your personal details may be disclosed to others who need to know for example:
Team Leaders for rotas on which you have volunteered to serve
Small Group Leaders for purposes of notifying you about events
Your information will not be used on the website or other church publicity without your consent, and will not be disclosed to another organisation without your consent.
You can withdraw your consent at any time, and you have the right to ask to see copies of any personal information held by New Life Church, and to ask for the details to be updated, changed, or deleted. If you move away or cease involvement with New Life Church your personal details will be deleted after an appropriate period as soon as practicable.
If you are unsure or have any queries please contact:
The Data Controller
New Life Church, The Ridgeway Centre, Featherstone Road, Wolverton Mill South
MK12 5TH
Tel: 01908 224580
Email: Please use the website contact form.
Charity Number: 1119167
Company Number: 6162241