Diversity and Inclusion Statement
"There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
Galatians 3:28
As the Body of Christ, New Life Church
is committed to inclusion because Christ died for all.
values diversity as a reflection of God’s creation.
honour everyone equally as sons and daughters of God.
Over the years, we have initiated and led several projects and events (in the UK and overseas) to ensure all people are made to feel welcome, valued and part of our church community. In 2020, we increased our endeavours to listen, support, and seek ways to become more inclusive. We established two teams to address on-going awareness and equipping, plus policy matters, as well as a separate team to act as an independent assurance group. We collect diversity information about our members annually and evaluate our on-going ministries to ensure we maintain our commitment to inclusion, diversity and equality in practice.
The Equality Act 2010
We accept and honour the nine protected characteristics listed under the Equality Act 2010. However, as an organisation seeking to deliver services within a Christian context, many of our roles can only be filled by Christians. The nature of these posts or the context in which they are carried out, and their link to the ethos of the organisation, give rise to a ‘protected characteristic’ (or ‘genuine occupational requirement’) for the post-holders to be Christians. Relevant responsibilities include: senior leadership or management of a Christian organisation; teaching or promoting the Christian faith; evangelism; leading or participating in worship, prayer or bible-study. All staff and volunteers in these posts may be required to demonstrate a clear personal commitment to the Christian faith. We will ensure that job descriptions, person specifications and application forms reflect the requirements for the job and make clear if there is a genuine occupational requirement for the person to be a Christian.
If you have a concern
We recognise, that despite our best endeavours, from time-to-time people or groups of people may feel disconnected from the church family. We encourage all members to raise any concerns with expediency so these can be addressed without causing further hurt, pain or suffering.
If you wish to raise a concern, please email diversity@newlifechurchmiltonkeynes.org
In raising your concern, please clarify whether this refers to a personal experience, ministry area or in relation to a specific named individual. We welcome all concerns, without prejudice.
All concerns raised will remain confidential and anonymous, unless otherwise stated or we perceived an individual to be at risk.