He is not here; he has risen!
Luke 24:6-7
We’d love to see you this Easter!
Join us at one of these celebration services.
Good Friday Service
18 April 2025
Service Times
4:00pm – 5:15pm at The Ridgeway Centre
Jesus died on the cross for us. What does that mean for you? Come and explore this in a relaxed and personal way.
Our Good Friday Service will include a time of remembrance with worship, all-age inclusive activities, and a short talk. Everyone is welcome. There will also be Easter-themed refreshments for all.
Do please book in advance – see below.
Easter Sunday
20 April 2025
Service Times
9:15am and 11:15am at The Ridgeway Centre
Live-stream on YouTube 9:15am
Jesus also rose from the dead for each of us. Come and hear the good news as we celebrate this world-changing event.
The celebration will include worship, age-related groups of youth and children, a Bible-based talk and, of course, Easter treats for all.
Saturday 5th April 2025
3.00pm - 5.00pm
Easter Family Event
Join us for a family friendly afternoon full of crafts, games, inflatables and lots more fun. Why not book your family in and come and celebrate Easter together? Everyone is welcome.
Don't forget to invite others.
For those who are part of New Life Church, we ask you to contribute to the cost by purchasing your ticket and then use the guest ticket to invite some friends, neighbours or families to join you.
Be our guest. There are free tickets available for anyone with children who wants to join us, just choose the 'Guest' ticket.