New Life Blog

Good news story: In deep
November 2024 has gone down as a month of devastating flooding, particularly in Spain. In the UK, and close to MK, we faced some emergencies of our own. Bex Ridgway shares her own story of how God delivered her and her car.

Four days in November
For four days in November we put everything else aside to seek God in prayer and to step out in faith. Phil Andrews reflects on what took place.
Newday changes lives!
We took 100 young people to Newday, the premier Christian youth event in the UK at the end of July. The largest number ever! They had an amazing time…

God loves albania
Hylton Kilborn went on his first mission trip to Albania with the School of Missional Life. Here’s some highlights from the trip.

Let’s talk marriage
Bukky and Maxwell Oseh are a couple who are intentional about investing in their marriage, and they love sharing what they have learned with other couples. They run an annual marriage retreat, and Maxwell has posted on the value to his marriage of retreating together.

Mind the gap year
What’s it like coming to the UK and MK for a gap year? Bella Kalan spills the beans on being New Life’s new intern.

Embracing evangelism in Towcester
Just before Christmas, our School of Missional Life sent a mission team to work with Towcester Hub Church, demystifying the job of evangelism and providing opportunities to reach people God’s way. We heard from two people who took part in the weekend and how the teaching and outreach was a revelation to them.

Creating positive relationships
Adebola Ajayi leads the Embark Counselling service at The Ridgeway Centre. She’s also part of the New Life community and mum to three teenage children. For Parent Mental Health Day today, Adebola shares four key tips that can help us all to have healthy relationships.

Walk this way
We begin a major new sermon series on Sunday called ‘The Way’. Tim Williams gives us a sneak peek.

Out of the mouth of babes
God is moving amongst our children and young people. Let’s learn from their example.

Adventures in England
New Life’s latest intern, Luka Vuletic from North Macedonia, shares some of his experiences since he arrived in the UK and the church.

Catalyst – our wider family of churches
Do you know that New Life Church is part of a large family of churches around the globe called Catalyst? Sharon Clark, who works both for New Life and Catalyst, gives us the latest on our wider community of churches.

Big sandals to fill
NLC’s own Curriculum Developer Alex Taylor really loves musicals. He’s an accomplished song and dance man, which recently led him to play the part of Jesus in Company MK’s production of Godspell. Phil Andrews asked him about the experience.

If your first response to the mention of doxologies is ‘Doxo-what?’, this blog is for you. Everyone else can nod wisely and pretend they knew all along!

Mission to Munich
Last month, Iona Richardson and her family were part of our School of Supernatural Life’s mission trip to Germany. She reflects on what it was like to do mission with a baby on the team!

Adventures in Albania
What’s it like doing overseas mission? Funke Ayodele went on her first mission trip last month, and much to her surprise discovered it wasn’t what she expected – it was much better! She shares what happened in Tirana and beyond.

Abundance in Romania
At Easter, Russell Bennett led a mission team, which included his wife and two kids, and five others, to share God’s love with the children and young people of Romania. He shares a little of what happened there.

Mission to Macedonia
Phil Andrews reflects with the mission team on their recent trip together to Skopje.