Good news story: In deep

November 2024 has gone down as a month of devastating flooding, particularly in Spain. In the UK, and close to MK, we faced some emergencies due to rising waters. Bex Ridgway shares her own story of how God delivered her and her car.

‘When you go through deep waters, I will be with you’ (Isaiah 43:2, NLT). I’ve thought a lot about this verse since the night in November when I was woken up at 4.30am by someone ringing my door bell to tell me the car park at my flat was flooding. I ran down there but the water was already over my knees and was continuing to cascade in over the seven-foot flood wall. I rely on my car for work and I didn't think there was much hope for it, but a little voice whispered, ‘Try to start the car.’

So with water covering the driver’s seat I got in and turned the key in the ignition. Miraculously, she started straight away and somehow I was able to drive her out. By 7.00am the water had reached the ceiling of the parking lot and only three of us had managed to get our vehicles out.

I took the car to the garage soon after, and once they had checked her over they said she was fine – there was no damage to the engine at all, I just needed to dry the insides out!

I’m so grateful to God for walking with me through those waters and making it all work together for my good. And I would encourage you today to be aware that whatever waters you are walking through, God is also there right beside you.


Four days in November