Online Hosts: With a co-host, you will be welcoming those joining our live steam for 10 minutes before and after our Sunday in-person preach, from our studio room (first service only). As well as sharing about the life of New Life Church and upcoming activities, you’ll be praying over our online audience, and be engaging in the prophetic with them. We’ve had frequent testimonies from new members of the church that found us through our live streams. If you are a good communicator, with a heart to welcome and encourage others, this is the role for you.
Livestream engineer (Production Team): This is a highly technical role as you will responsible for the running of our Sunday morning live streams. This includes directing the hosts through the course of Sunday live streams, ensuring the streams are ready to be broadcast and cutting between the various elements that make up our live streams. This includes cutting between the studio, the main auditorium as well as any extra graphics and videos.
Camera Operator (Production Team): You will be responsible for setting up and manning the cameras for our live streamed services. This includes manning the camera to ensure seamless streaming of the preacher. If you have an interest in photography or filming, then this is a great introductory step into working with cameras.
Online Sign-up
Thanks for expressing interest in serving with the Online Sunday Team. Please complete the form and the team leader will contact you shortly.